Dear boys,
as always we turn to you all in the certainty that the power of prayer of this small big family will also serve in this case.
D.... For Cecilia
We turn to you because we believe in the power of prayer and in the energy of this wonderful group of which we feel part. 
We need many prayers for a girl named Cecilia, she is only 5 years old and unfortunately she was hit by a terrible illness.
No child should suffer like this.
We pray to the Virgin Mary that she can help Cecilia and her beautiful family to overcome this difficult moment as soon as possible in the best way.
Thank you so much. 
Thanks in advance from your friends for what we ask...
D. & A. - C, L, F.
For the staff


Hello guys,
today May 10, 2016, Our little Cecilia did the CT scan and it would seem that she no longer has traces of the terrible disease for which we prayed a lot.
Special thanks go to all of you who accompanied us in prayer and in particular to our heavenly Mother for having answered their / our prayers.
Special thanks to all of you from sweet Cecilia, from their parents and friends for all that you will continue to do for them. 
D. & A. - C, L, F.
For the staff
Hello guys,
today 10 December 2016, Our little Cecilia is in a particular situation again, new traces of the terrible disease have been found for which we prayed a lot.
Special thanks to all of you from sweet Cecilia, from their parents and friends for all that you will continue to do for them. 
D. & A. - C, L, F.
For the staff